Course Description

This training focuses on strategies for organizations to effectively support their employees during times of health challenges, whether a peer supporter or any other employee. The course will explore the specific needs of peer supporters who integrate their lived experiences into their work and provide guidance on how supervisors can support their recovery and well being.


Instructor and Project Manager

Andrea Boffice, B.A., M.A.

Andrea Boffice is a facilitator and content developer with a particular passion for youth and young adult peer support. Prior to joining the Institute in 2019, she worked in youth advocacy in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts and still engages in systems advocacy and community education within Philadelphia. Andrea earned a B.A and M.A at the school of International Development, Community, and Environment within Clark University. Her goal at the Institute is to educate about the unique experiences of youth, foster cross-generational partnerships, expand the availability of peer support services for young adults, and to aid young people in their recovery.