Live Classroom Instruction. Hands-On Personal Assistance. Same Day Certification.

FA/CPR and AED certificates are valid for 2 years.

  • First Aid for adults, children and infants including sudden illness, choking, burns, shock, heat exhaustion, anaphylaxis, and more!

  • CPR instruction utilizing state-of-the art interactive manikins with individualized guided instruction.

  • Automated External Defibrilator (AED) training using Red Cross Training devices and real-life scenarios.


  • Face Mask Required

    A face mask, properly worn, is required while in the building, elevators, and during classroom lectures and activities.

  • Temperature and Symptoms

    Please check your temperature! If your temperature is over 100.4, or if you have any other COVID symptoms, please do not attend the classroom session. You may contact us by phone, email, or by chat on the main website.

  • Social Distancing

    For your safety, we will be adhering to the Philadelphia recommended social distancing standards during the class.